Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dogs by Nanoc

They smell. They're loud. They slobber. They try to f*ck your leg. They're for people who're too afraid to bite people themselves. They need to be exercised at 6am on a cold wet Sunday. They also need to be exorcised. You have to pick up their shit, or you get fined like a trillion quid. They rip your throat out for no apparent reason. They need fed. They're expensive. They smell your ass. They lick their balls in public, then they lick your face. They've got really odd stomachs. They pee up tress and lamp-posts. It's a whole big macho lumberjack thing that 'I'm going hunting with my big macho black fuck-off dog'. They're really SHITE, and they should be punished by Caligula Caesar (hail) and his big white horse and his sister and his wife and the snake and the old man. Thank you.

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