Saturday, December 22, 2007

Avril Lavigne By Maria

I HATE Avril Lavigne... she is such a fucking poser!!! she is just as sucky as Britney Spears and all those comercialized bastards made by a fucking record company or mtv wich i also HATE. Avril, go back to your stupid town, you would make us all a favor you are so fucking annoying and fake you fucking gospel singer posing as a "skater-punk" wtf is a skater punk?? who made that up??

Canada by Mr. wiggels

Those little bastards get on my nerves. There are many reasons why i hate them the main reason is... its that they suck!!!! Every thing Great old Canada touches turns to great old rotten shit. Dont get me started first the beer,dear god the beer whoever said beer taste likes piss well Canadian beer proves their point.And the Queen of all music... oh,wait,let me refraise that the Queen of all shit music Celin freakin dian.This dumb Canadian bitch sings like shes got a freakin 2by4 up her ass.But please folks dont get me wrong alot of good things have come out of Canada like the Montreol Expos.

College Professors by bruce and ash

how about those stupid fucks we call college professors. well for one thing its funny how they always write their own books then magically require them for their class. what the fuck you get paid to teach us and then you get paid royalties for the shit you wrote. how is this legal? you should all have the shit beat out of you. but wait it only gets better, when i go to sell this $160 masterpiece of shit that we didnt use all fucking semester the people at the bookstore tell me that they are not buying it back because you decided to move some words around and change the color. you fucking asshole , OH SHIT I WOULD LOVE TO SKULL FUCK EVERY ONE OF YOU BASTARDS. that was my fucking beer money for the next week but no you have just found another way to dick me over!fuck you fuck you fuck you, aggghhhh

People who say second hand smoke is Bad by Smoker Man

I really really hate those people who say that second hand smoke is worse than smoking because you're not smoking with a filter! What the fucking fuck!!There is no possible way that that is the case. Smoking with a filter gives you both the filtered smoke AND the non-filtered smoke. The whole point to make is that secondhand smoke is BAD for you, which it is, obviously!! I wish these fucking second hand mother bitches would all just fucking die!! Fuck you--Fuck you! I hope your head explodes with flaming dildos you fickle sniffer! Go rot in hell!

Hugh Grant by Alex

Who told this guy he could act??? His wife maybe or perhaps that whore he got to suck his dick ? He just mumbles through all his films & only has one character he can play. A Dumb Idiot of an Englishman.....
reason: cos that's what he is !!!

AOL By Verita

I hate aol its so fucking slow and gay, all it does is give u stupid pop up ads and update warnings. Its like HELLO I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO UPDATE IF I WANTED TO I WOULD FUCKING DO IT. and also i hate the way it takes sooooooo fucking long to load websites and then kicks you off for no fucking reason. I really want to find the fucker who invented it and scream in their face.

Blue Peter presenters by Bruce

Someone needs to fucking carve these bastards eyes out. How can they be so god damned camp?! And they have no personalities either, just like every fucking BBC presenter, which really bores the fuck out of me. Even the pissing kids who see it only watch it because their granny told them to watch it, or to make some pathetic pile of toilet rolls and sellotape. Did these presenters make the models themselves? I don't think so, somehow. I've noticed they have trouble with just tacking the bits the production team made together... God what talent... and you just know they're fucking that stupid mangy labrador up the ass behind the scenes. Although Katie Hill could suck my cock anytime she wants.

Beyon-Beast By Lauren

Beyonce yuk! Beyon-Beast. 1st she's a black women , with blonde WEAVE. whoever thinks that thats her real hair then your dumb. She doesnt even really have a big ass, she just wears her jeans low, and jeans with no pockets in the back make your ass look fat . Beyonce actually has a flat grandma ass. The only reason she's famous is because she is with Jay-Z. " Can you pay my bills" Pay your own fuvkin bills you wanna -be white person bitch, oh and this one is for beyon-beast . Her moms is a bitch , and at the soultrain awards Kelly was acting that crying shit , because she know damm well she hate beyonce. Beyonce get your own hair you bald bitch , and as for your bald headed mother tell her to go suk a dick. I also can't stand Ashanti , she's so fake , like press on nails. She does the same dances in every video , and she look like a warewolf from hell, ashanti used to have a unibrow , thats right her eyebrows were married. How the hell you gon have a fat-ass elephant in your video.

Titanic by Huttie

People are so stupid, they'll watch anything (and buy anything). The story, you might wonder is no great, in fact, it is very much like our desi Bengali movies boy-loves-girl, girl-loves-boy, family-no-agree, one-dies and at last moral-of-the-movie is boring ’true love lives forever’.The "love story" was ludicrous. It was a cartoon romance. It was unbelievable and totally unjustified. Also, since the majority of the audience have been total idiots, we failed to notice the inconsistencies and inequity of it:
1. It is Jack who comes between Rose and Cal, not the other way around.
2. Rose cheats on Cal. We are expected to cheer her on for this. Had it been Cal who cheated on Rose, we would have been expected to jeer and hiss.
3. Rose and Jack have sex on the day after their first meeting. What a family movie this is. I'm sure every parent wants to encourage their child to have premarital sex with a near stranger. Of course, most parents probably didn't notice.
Mr Cameron, pay homage to real people who died; don't create characters just to milk our romance-starved society for all it's worth.

Broccoli by BladeSlashedChick

I really fuckin hate broccoli. It looks like a rotted miniture tree, smells like fish guts and tastes more disgusting then words can exclaim. Who ever said and made people to start liking broccoli should burn in hell cuz it the most disgusting fuckin food on the plane

Jennifer Lopez By VT

I hate Jennifer Lopez. She's a no talented stupid bitch that only TALKS in all her stupid lame ass fucking dumb songs that are so fucking stupid they make me want to shove a knife in my ears! She's got NO TALENT nor can she act, she sounds like a fucking drunken mouse when she talks with her ugly accent and I dont give a fuck how good looking she is, she's still a dumb no-skill bitch that makes me want to drop kick her face everytime i see her or hear anything about her! FUCK OFF ALREADY YOU WASHED UP BITCH!

Bitch who tells line is bZ By Jero

... That Bitch who tells u the line is buisy: I really, really, REALLY, hate this bitch. she comes on the phone acting like she owns the place and then tells u the line is busy. Well im glad u told me u damn fucking slut cause unless u woulda chimed in with ur fart of a voice i would have never know that the line was buisy I just thought that the phone companies had developed a new ring for the year 2004. Dumb bitch if i ever run into her on the street im gonna pull her to the ground by her hair and kick her in the throat and say "were sorry the number you have dialed is buisy if you would like sprint to deliver a message for an extra cost of 75cents then FUCK OFF" and the steal her shoes.

Child Molesters by Stuart

I really fucking hate Child Molesters. They are the lowest form of scum on the earth. They all deserve to have their dicks cut off, be thrown in a cellar somewhere, kept alive barely, to receive severe and regular beatings from the families of their victims and any other fucker who wants to have a go! They are pieces of shite that don't deserve to be a part of the human race and jail is too good for them....Personally if I saw one in the street, I would speed up my car to make sure I did hit them.

Dogs by Nanoc

They smell. They're loud. They slobber. They try to f*ck your leg. They're for people who're too afraid to bite people themselves. They need to be exercised at 6am on a cold wet Sunday. They also need to be exorcised. You have to pick up their shit, or you get fined like a trillion quid. They rip your throat out for no apparent reason. They need fed. They're expensive. They smell your ass. They lick their balls in public, then they lick your face. They've got really odd stomachs. They pee up tress and lamp-posts. It's a whole big macho lumberjack thing that 'I'm going hunting with my big macho black fuck-off dog'. They're really SHITE, and they should be punished by Caligula Caesar (hail) and his big white horse and his sister and his wife and the snake and the old man. Thank you.

Belgium by Bob

It is a pity that the Cold War finished as I was hoping they would drop a squillion ton device on Belgium. It's the only place in the Universe where Mac Donalds closes on a Sunday. Imagine after a night on the piss, trying to find something to eat and Mac's is closed!! They reckon they have the best beers in the world ... bollocks!!
All they do is take some shitty lager and pour some flavoured syrup in it, the twats. Do you get a speeding fine in Belgium? no you don't, they sell your fuckin car then leave you to get home yourself. That's if you get home, fair chance you'll end up getting rogered in some weirdoes cellar.
Belgium should be bulldozered flat and a flower garden planted in it's place, then we'll have something nice to look at as we drive through it.

The Beatles by the_hateman

The biggest CON of the Swinging Sixties ! Why was everyone so into the 'Beatles' ? So overrated, untalented & very, very UGLY. I was the only boy at my school that hated the Beatles.....I'm proud to say....!!